Seven is Enough
I must say this episode is one of
the best episodes in the series. It wasn't all that soap opera crap that came later in the series, but it was actually drama!
I was definitely pleased with this episode when I watched it for the first time on my Season 1 DVD.
Eric and The Colonel
& I thought it was hilarious at the points when he said things like, & Anyone want to come with me? In case you don't
remember that was when he was in the car to go and find The Colonel and Ruth. You could see the tension in his expressions
near The Colonel, and when he said things to his kids and wife. But, I thought it was really great near the very end when
they said they could just try to be friends.
Annie and Mary & Those two lucked out. They were The Colonel and
Ruthie's favorites. When Annie saw her rings at the hardware store, it seemed a little out of place, but then I kind of got
it. I liked it when Mary, Annie, Lucy, The Colonel, and Ruth went to the store together, but I felt really bad for Lucy when
she couldn't connect with The Colonel and Ruth. But, I must say, Annie and Mary being my least favorite characters, this was
a great addition to the episode.
Eric, Matt, Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie - I was absolutely thrilled with the part when
they were all in the garage hiding from The Colonel. And when Matt was giving his siblings instructions on how to survive
the next few days. I felt bad for Simon because he was like,& because he scares me plenty.Wow, I felt so relieved when
The Colonel and Ruth left because Eric, Matt, Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie were off the hook even though some of those guys had
supposedly made with The Colonel and Ruth.
Simon, George, and Ruthie I really couldn't stand George. He was making
Simon so mad, and part of me feels Simon had every right to be mad. George was sort of taking away Simon's brotherly role
for Ruthie and not replacing it with anything. When Ruthie was saying stuff like,Is this something I should know,and Just
tell me, I'm behind aren't I,I felt really bad for Simon. George irritated me a lot because he said if that family took him
that he would accept it, but he was really angry and sad when The Colonel and Ruth wouldn't take him, but I believe he did
deserve the family he wanted. I was pleased with this storyline a lot. I LOVE YOU SIMON!!!
Overal I was extremely
pleased with this episode. I rate it a 9.5 out of 10
When the whole family was in the garage I thought
it was so cute when Ruthie said,im vaguely interested.And when Simon said,Let me just say what everyone else is thinking,
this is a completely ungreat idea.
I laughed a lot in this episode, but there was also a lot of drama which I loved.
This review was made by:MeLovesDavid